Page 425 - MDP2022-2
P. 425

if(GPIO_Pin  ==  GPIO_PIN_3)  {
                            sign  =  3;
                    if(GPIO_Pin  ==  GPIO_PIN_4)  {
                            sign  =  5;
                    if(GPIO_Pin  ==  GPIO_PIN_5)  {
                            sign  =  7;
                    if(GPIO_Pin  ==  GPIO_PIN_6)  {
                            sign  =  9;
                    HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(&huart4,  (uint8_t  *)sign,  sizeof(sign));
            /*  USER  CODE  END  4  */

                *  @brief    This  function  is  executed  in  case  of  error  occurrence.
                *  @retval  None
            void  Error_Handler(void)
                /*  USER  CODE  BEGIN  Error_Handler_Debug  */
                /*  User  can  add  his  own  implementation  to  report  the  HAL  error  return  state  */

                /*  USER  CODE  END  Error_Handler_Debug  */

            #ifdef    USE_FULL_ASSERT
                *  @brief    Reports  the  name  of  the  source  file  and  the  source  line  number
                *                  where  the  assert_param  error  has  occurred.
                *  @param    file:  pointer  to  the  source  file  name
                *  @param    line:  assert_param  error  line  source  number
                *  @retval  None
            void  assert_failed(uint8_t  *file,  uint32_t  line)
                /*  USER  CODE  BEGIN  6  */
                /*  User  can  add  his  own  implementation  to  report  the  file  name  and  line  number,
                      tex:  printf("Wrong  parameters  value:  file  %s  on  line  %d\r\n",  file,  line)  */
                /*  USER  CODE  END  6  */
            #endif  /*  USE_FULL_ASSERT  */

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